Bingren Hu, PhD, MD
Principal Investigator
As the PI, I oversee multiple projects related to studying ischemic brain injury in the lab.
Alice Chen, MD
Physician Scientist -
Chunli Liu, MD
Project Scientist
My research interests involve employing animal brain ischemia models for testing brain protective drugs and interventions.
Yingxin Chen, MD
Project Scientist
My research interests involve employing animal brain ischemia models for testing brain protective drugs and interventions.
Yamileck Olivas-Garcia, MD
Postdoctoral Researcher
My research interests are to develop novel natural behavioral outcome measures in animal brain ischemia models for testing brain protective interventions.
Emily Osterli, PharmD
Postdoctoral Researcher
My research interests include studying the role of organelle-and-cell-specific autophagy in ischemic brain injuries.
Yujung Park, MD
Postdoctoral Researcher
My research interests include investigating the mechanisms of dysfunctional endolysosomal trafficking and white matter/axonal injury after brain ischemia.
Jose Villa, MD
Postdoctoral Researcher
My research interests involve employing animal brain ischemia models for testing brain protective drugs and interventions.
David Berry, PhD
Assistant Professor
My expertise involves utilizing MRI evaluations of ischemic brain injury in animal models to test brain protective drugs and interventions.
Hanoaf Al Nasser
Research Assistant
As a student researcher, I work closely with Dr. Park on projects related to investigating the mechanisms of dysfunctional endolysosomal trafficking and white matter/axonal injury after brain ischemia.
Rachana Balakrishnan
Research Assistant
As a student researcher, I work closely with Dr. Villa employing animal brain ischemia models for testing brain protective drugs and interventions.
Beverly Mei
Research Assistant
As a student researcher, I work closely with Dr. Osterli on projects related to investigating the role of organelle-and-cell-specific autophagy in ischemic brain injury.
Madison Nguyen
Research Assistant
As a student researcher, I work closely with Dr. Osterli on projects related to investigating the role of organelle-and-cell-specific autophagy in ischemic brain injury.
Antonia Sajche, BS
Research Assistant
As a post-baccalaureate researcher, I work closely with Dr. Park and Dr. Villa to test brain protective drugs and interventions in animal stroke models.
Kaley Sauer
Research Assistant
As a student researcher, I work closely with Dr. Olivas-Garcia to develop novel behavioral outcome measures in animal brain ischemia models for testing brain protective interventions.
Jaehyun Yoon
Research Assistant
As a student researcher, I work closely with Dr. Park on projects related to investigating the mechanisms of dysfunctional endolysosomal trafficking and white matter/axonal injury after brain ischemia.